From our humble beginnings, to our current ministry, hands that freely give are the life of this place.
Whispering Grace Horses experienced its humble beginnings in 2012 when Co-Founders, Bill and Marcia Shearer along with the Rohr Family at Arohra Farms, chose to pour their lives into an idea. They freely gave their time, finances, property, and many long days of backbreaking work to help get this idea on it's feet. Never asking for anything in return, their volunteer heart is the reason Whispering Grace Horses exists today.
The first children and adults who visited the farm actually became volunteers. They began to understand that groundwork and building a trusting relationship with a horse was important. They all were coming to give of themselves. It was within the selfless and beautiful relationships between people and horses that we witnessed our first miracles here. Volunteering is still a foundational part of our program, and most sessions begin with a chore. This is usually 10-20 minutes where a session leader and individual work together mucking paddocks, pulling weeds, or working on various farm projects. Involvement in these simple tasks builds value into the heart of each person. We strive to teach people that they can do something to improve the life of someone else. This fulfills an elementary need in every individual’s heart. That is, the need to be needed. Often times having this feeling of value is an integral part of people healing.
The beauty of Whispering Grace Horses is a ministry all its own. Many visitors ask for nothing more than the chance to sit a while and bask in the peaceful environment. Creating and maintaining this environment has proven to be quite a challenge. However, our volunteer force has been invaluable in keeping things going. A trip to the farm will prove that hands of those who freely give their time to help keep order and cleanliness remains a priority for all. Safety remaining our number one priority. Volunteers have been building, cleaning, fixing, and improving our facility ever since it began, all without expecting anything in return.
Are you interested in volunteering?
Please contact Marcia by email:
You can also text /call Marcia at
330-265-5119. Thank You!